Member of the United Bible Societies
The Bible Society for the Netherlands and Flanders is a member of the international network United Bible Societies (UBS). UBS is a worldwide network of over 150 local Bible Societies working in 184 out of the 195 countries of the world. Together, we want to ensure that the Bible is available for everyone.

In 1946, the BSNF was one of the founders of UBS. To us, UBS is the platform to develop projects around the world together, to monitor and evaluate. Between Bible Societies, we know the needs of the world, and we know who is doing what where. That is how we ensure we don’t duplicate work, and that our work is done efficiently.

The Biggest Bible Society in the World
UBS is intercultural and interconfessional and it cooperates with local churches and denominations. The Bible Societies cooperate on every part of Bible translation and Bible distribution: surveying people’s needs, translating the Bible, printing, distributing and aiding in use and application. Together, the Bible Societies are the largest Bible organization in the world. We help millions of people around the world get personally involved with the Bible:
- 70% of the world’s complete Bible translations were made by Bible Societies that are members of UBS;
- In 2021 the Bible Societies distributed nearly 170 million complete Bibles, New Testaments and parts of the Bible.
Cooperations Around the World
UBS cooperates with other large Bible organizations that focus on Bible translation and distribution. For instance, UBS and these organizations might set goals together and UBS shares technical solutions that facilitate the work done together.